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Homeassis Stoc

4.8 ( 128 ratings )
Developer: QuickWeb

Aplicatia Homeassis Stoc face parte din proiectul "Centru de dispecerizare si management pentru optimizarea serviciilor integrate de ingrijiri la domiciliu - CDMS", proiect finantat de Guvernul Romaniei si din fondul European de Dezvoltare prin Programul Operațional de Competitivitate 2014-2020.

Aceasta aplicatie, complementara aplicatie Homeassis, este un produs al cercetarii modurilor de a inregistra articole medicale, de a crea un inventar pe baza de coduri de bare, al elementelor de stoc ce vor fi folosite la efectuarea vizitelor medicale.

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Homeassis Stoc is a free app that is part of the european project Dispatching and Management Center for Optimizing Home Care Integrated Services, a project financed by the state of Romania and co-financed from the European Development Fund through the Operational Programme Competitiveness 2014-2020. The project researches the automation of collecting and storing the medical information gathered while providing medical and social services to patients at their homes.

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